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Episode 4: “Batman ‘39”- The Original Bat-Man

Today I welcome Steve J. Ray one of the hosts of Superheroes for Dummies as we explore the original Bat-Man who appeared in Detective Comics #27. This version is currently appearing in Generations: Shattered. We not only compare this original iteration of the character with the current version, but follow a few other paths that are related to Golden Age comics. There’s no shortage of laughter in this episode!

Bob Kane Swipes

Funny Picture Stories (The Clock) at Digital Comic Museum

The Batcave

Red Suit Batman

Harvey Apollo

Dark Knight News

DC Comics News

Fantastic Universes

Dan DiDio 5G


You can find me on Twitter @MattB_Lloyd . I’m always happy to talk comics and music! You can find my reviews at and if you want to learn more about the Politics of Gotham check it out here.