FEEL THE MERRY, Ya Filthy Animals! It's a Christmas Break Treat!

Hang out with Brian, Richard, and Carrie while they interview Jason Douglas about his book: Parallel (Source Point Press), with art by Adam Ferris and Josh Sobek. This special edition is a limited-run trade paperback, featuring cover art by Lyx Lyon! A beautiful book, not to be missed!

We also discuss illness, favorite Christmas songs, relationships, and what makes us happy.

Other books discussed in the episode:

 Elle(s) Vol. 2: The Elle-verse by Kid Toussaint and Aveline Stokart. Translation by Montana Kane (Europe Comics)

The Least We Can Do #2 by Elisa Romboli and Iolanda Zanfardino (Image)

Comics Deserve Better is a weekly podcast hosted by Brian, Carrie, Darci and Richard which covers the world of Independent Comics. For a list of episodes, socials and emails, and to request a topic for a future episode please visit comicsdeservebetter.wordpress.com.

(Episode Art by Lyx Lyon and Intro Music provided by https://www.bensound.com/)