Carrie was MIA at work, so when the cat's away, the mice will have BOYZ NITE! (TM)

Hang out with Brian and Richard and listen to them discuss Brian's choice: The High Desert: Black. Punk. Nowhere. by James Spooner (HarperCollins) as well as racism, punk and ska music, and of course, indie comics.

Other books discussed in the episode:

We Ride Titans #5 by Tres Dean, Sebastian Píriz, Dee Cuniffe and Jim Campbell (Vault); Barbaric vol. 2 #1 by Michael Moreci, Nathan Gooden, Addison Duke, and Jim Campbell (Vault)


20th Century Men #1 by Deniz Camp, S. Morian and Aditya Bidikar (Image)

DIY Corner:

Everything is Different Now

Comics Deserve Better is a weekly podcast hosted by Brian, Carrie, and Richard which covers the world of Independent Comics. For a list of episodes, socials and emails, and to request a topic for a future episode please visit

(Episode Art by James Spooner and Intro Music provided by