Terminus Media presents "Christians in Comics & Animation - Tales from the Inside" 

Hosted by Cross and Nitro from Comics and the Cross 

A panel speaking to some of the Christian creators in comics and animation. Some with a history of working with Disney, Marvel and DC Comics but all seeking to share the message and love of Jesus through their creations. 


Al Nickerson

a comic book artist, writer, and self-publisher. Al is an alumnus of the School of Visual Arts. He has been a professional comic book artist since 1994, for the likes of  Warp Graphics, Marvel Comics, DC Comics, and Archie Comics. As an animator and designer, Al worked for Sesame Street, MTV Animation, Nickelodeon, and Marvel Entertainment. He has self-published creator-owned comic books including THE ARGGH!!! CHRONICLES 2000 EDITION and NIHILIST-MAN AND HIS AMAZING FRIENDS. Al is currently self-publishing THE SWORD OF EDEN graphic novel series

Luis Serrano

an independent comic book writer and creator of the graphic novel 'Samson the Nazirite'.  Winner of the Gideon conference's comic book writer's script competition.  That script later became a mini-comic 'Gideon The Hand of Midian' through our self-publishing imprint 'Rooted Chronicles'.  Serving on the board and acting Director for the non-profit Christian Comic Arts Society.  The Christian Comic Arts Society, known as CCAS, is a network of Christian Fellowship for Comic Fans, Pros, and Amateurs.

Brannon Hollingsworth & Michael Thoenes

Brainy Pixel Productions develops and produces animation, video content, short stories, graphic novels, and games for the Faith and Family audience.   Their series "Cubekins" is award-winning and Dove approved. 

Ivan Anaya

a comic artist in the United States, (Image Comics, Dynamite Comics, DC Comics, among others) as well as making independent comics in Argentina, Brazil, and El Salvador. A Conceptual and Narrative Artist at Stonebot Studios in the videogame area and now at Mercy Ways Studios as an Art Director and Lead Comic Artist and Writer. Creator of the series “Fear Not," winner of an award in 2017 as the best children's biblical project in Germany also h and the Mercy Ways team create the bible adaptation, Chronicles of Faith David.

Devina Krevinghaus

Social Media Influencer and TikTok creator with 383.9K followers on TikTok alone. "CEO of words you should say instead of cursing" and leading the Dominion: Fall of the House of Saul Bible Study

Mark Stancil

Graduating in the early 90’s with a degree in Pastoral Studies, faith is the critical trait of Terminus Media CEO, Mark Stancil. Mark feels that the biblical admonition to “…love God with all of your heart, soul, and strength and love your neighbor as yourself” is the best way to lead and to live. Mark started his career as a creative executive while working as a computer and systems integration professional, so he is the rare combination of technical expertise and creative excellence.  Mark’s frequent advice to “start today with what you have” is exactly what he has always done.