Today on the podcast the guys discuss the biggest trailer to come out... wait what... they recorded before the Avengers: Endgame trailer came out... smh. Well, what the guys did talk about was the latest new footage from Shazam's Chinese trailer, the new lineup from James Gunn's interpretation of Suicide Squad, Will Smith's Deadshot getting recast with Idris Elba, Arrow ending following a 10 episode season 8, the new trailer for the animated movie we didn't know we needed Batman vs Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, streaming, the rumored Marvel animated What If series coming to Disney+, and more! Plus David Ramon is back on a mainline Comicast for some good old comic talk with another edition of David Does Comics! If you have a question that you'd like the guys to answer on the podcast, you can tweet them to @mynamejong or @ProducerMike975. You can also email them to [email protected]. Make sure to also follow David on Twitter for more sports, comic, and Gundam talk @gachodominguez. Also check out for the latest musings from the guys and coming soon David's open letter to Arrow. If you enjoy the podcast, please take a moment to write a review, rate, like, follow, and/or subscribe. The more you review, rate, and share, the more folks can join Jong and Michael on their magical comic adventures.

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