Welcome to the fourth episode of the Comic Show by Monkeys Fighting Robots! Anthony and Matt have a lot to discuss with you today: Gary Moloney covered Small Press Day in Dublin over the weekend, Black Bolt is a series that's making waves over at Marvel, Batman gets closer to METAL, and Violent Love is our must-read of the week. 

Buckle up, True Believers! Episode 4 of the COMIC SHOW by Monkeys Fighting Robots is here.

Episode Breakdown:

01:14 Violent Love (Image Comics)

Anthony - 4 Monkeys

Matt - 4.25 Robots 

21:35 Beat Reporter Gary Maloney - Small Press Day

44:07 - Dark Days: The Casting

Anthony - 4 Monkeys

Matt - 4 Robots 

01:08 - Stan's Soap Box: Comic book prices are too damn high!

Thank you for listening!

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