Welcome to the eleventh episode of the Comic Show by Monkeys Fighting Robots! This week, we discuss whether or not Generations: Thor was worth the hype. We also review Nightwing The New Order and ponder how far you can stretch a character before they break. Beat reporter Nick Enquist stops by to celebrate Jack Kirby's 100th birthday, and we close out with a review of Netflix's Defenders series.

Buckle up, True Believers! Episode 11 of the COMIC SHOW by Monkeys Fighting Robots is here.


02:47 – Generations Thor #1 Review

15:20 – Nightwing The New Order #1 Review, PLUS "How much can you change a character before they're no longer the same person?"

35:55 – Happy 100th Birthday Jack Kirby! with beat reporter Nick Enquist

45:28 – Defenders Wrap-Up & Review

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