Jimmy attended the Thought Bubble Festival in Harrogate, UK and got 25 interviews! In this episode, you'll hear from friend Marc Bernardin. Marc talks about his incredible graphic novel ADORA AND THE DISTANCE, podcasting with Kevin Smith, working in writer's rooms and more! Always great catching up with Marc. More interviews from Thought Bubble to come! We'll be releasing the massive amount of interviews over the next month. Also, get a hold of us!

Thanks for listening!

Jimmy attended the Thought Bubble Festival in Harrogate, UK and got 25 interviews! In this episode, you'll hear from friend Marc Bernardin. Marc talks about his incredible graphic novel ADORA AND THE DISTANCE, podcasting with Kevin Smith, working in writer's rooms and more! Always great catching up with Marc. More interviews from Thought Bubble to come! We'll be releasing the massive amount of interviews over the next month. Also, get a hold of us!

Thanks for listening!