Original broadcast date October 7, 2015. The original podcast post is here: https://pixelatedgeek.com/2015/10/comic-issues-243-batmans-inferno/

This week the Tag Team Champions Anthony and Elizabeth step into the podcasting ring to bring to you some comic book recaps and reviews from the top rope!  Before they get there though Elizabeth talks about her review of Andre the Giant: Closer to Heaven and interview with writer Brandon Easton (out tomorrow), and Anthony brings the disappointing news that Michael Bay's Transformers is looking to go for four more films or more.

In this week's news Zach Snyder and rumored to be talking to HBO about a Watchmen project, which feels more like a recipe for disappointment than it does a chance to explore more themes and stories.  In the other camp word is at ABC that a Damage Control half hour comedy is being considered, which may be exactly what comic book television needs.

On this week's pull list is Inferno #5, Justice League #44, Ghost Racers #4, and Batman Annual #4.