It's the day before Christmas, and the Comic Dwarves are broadcasting to you from the frozen, northern heights.  Witness Jon, Josh, Mike, Sean, and Tom as they take on Boom! Studios' Klaus by Grant Morrison and Dan Mora.  Also in this episode: the gang participates in a double-blind round of Secret Santa (they don't know who bought the present they received and they don't know who received the present they bought), a curse is placed on one of the Comic Dwarves, a new comic is created to celebrate the time honored holiday of Arbor Day, and the gang takes a stab at superheroizing Santa Claus.  Keep digging!

Hosted by Tom Bevis, Michael Brown, Jon Butler, Sean Corbin, and Joshua Shepherd.
Music by Polynova.
Sound Effects by Aaron Corbin.
A Nonplussed Comics Podcast.
Produced by Tom Bevis and Sean Corbin.

It’s the day before Christmas, and the Comic Dwarves are broadcasting to you from the frozen, northern heights.  Witness Jon, Josh, Mike, Sean, and Tom as they take on Boom! Studios’ Klaus by Grant Morrison and Dan Mora.  Also in this episode: the gang participates in a double-blind round of Secret Santa (they don’t know who bought the present they received and they don’t know who received the present they bought), a curse is placed on one of the Comic Dwarves, a new comic is created to celebrate the time honored holiday of Arbor Day, and the gang takes a stab at superheroizing Santa Claus.  Keep digging!

Hosted by Tom Bevis, Michael Brown, Jon Butler, Sean Corbin, and Joshua Shepherd.

Music by Polynova.

Sound Effects by Aaron Corbin.

A Nonplussed Comics Podcast.

Produced by Tom Bevis and Sean Corbin.