We got a real modern legend in the house: R.A. Height! Tune in to learn all about Ray’s campaign on the upstart crowdfunding platform ZOOP, Cornerman.

Ray is the creator of Midnight Tiger, Freelance Illustrator, Father of Two, Husband of One, and Decent Human Being!

Tune in with me and my co-host C.V.R. Bard, to learn all about Ray’s campaign on the upstart crowdfunding platform ZOOP, Cornerman.

In this episode:

[00:01 - 06:07] Comics Saved Our Lives

I welcome R.A. Height to the show A bit about Ray From Compton originally How comics played a big role in his life First comic published at 19 years old

[06:08 - 26:43] In the Corner

How Ray got his start Upskilling and researching from books Pitching with no fear The first projects with Marvel Working with Kevin Greevioux A look into Ray’s independent work Midnight Tiger We take a look at Cornerman Who’s training the heroes? Example from Dragonball Cornerman is the man training the greatest heroes Making the character and the world Building off of the true teacher mentality Based off of Michael Jay White Super martial artist vs. the superhero world 32 pages Ray teases the plot of the comic Make sure to support! Links below

[26:44 - 38:59] Bringing the Art to the Fans First

Ray talks about the collaboration with Zoop Helping artists create Creating tiers of support The influence that inspired Cornerman Breakdown of where the money is going to go Paying the creative team first Paying off the logistics The priority is the people When Ray decided to step out and do passion projects Ray talks about the ownership behind the project The most requested covers from fans It all depends on what’s hot Star Wars is usually big

[39:00 - 48:26] Closing Segment

The future for R.A. Height Working with the Luke Cage comic How Ray got a approached Building credibility through X-Men Blue Ray talks about other works he’s been involved with Ex: Guardians of the Galaxy the Animated Series Support this project How to connect with the R.A. Height Links below Final words

Connect with Ray on Twitter and Instagram. Be sure to check out https://zoop.gg/c/cornerman to take a look at the latest comic.

{DJ}C.V.R.{The Bard}: @C_V_R_TheBard

Check out the video version of this episode.

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