From the legendary minds behind comics like The Goon — and the author of true crime classics including Deviant and The Serial Killer Files— comes a powerful collaboration on an ambitious new graphic novel uncovering the most deranged murderers in American history.

Eric Powell is an American comic book writer/artist, best known as the creator of The Goon. While Harold Schechter is an American true crime writer who specializes in serial killers. He is a Professor Emeritus at Queens College, City University of New York where he taught classes in American literature and myth criticism for forty-two years.

Get in on the action as I get the juicy details about these two geniuses latest work: DID YOU HEAR WHAT EDDIE GEIN DONE?

In this episode:

[00:01 - 04:32] Meet the Minds Behind The Goon and The Serial Killer Files

I welcome Eric Powell and Harold Schechter Bio How the collaboration came to be From Eric and Harold’s perspective


The inspiration behind the illustrations and writing The research into the story A look at the work Sympathetic but still flawed The parallels to Alfred Hitchcock The surprise success of the Kickstarter campaign A look at the trailer The date of the release Available as of August 11th The collaboration process Future ideas Navigating Covid Inside look from beginning to end A look at Harold’s background Eric and Harold’s other works Things to look forward to from Albatross

[20:52 - 25:31] Other Works and Inspiration

Where you can check out Harold’s book Maniac Where the fascination on crime came from A mind shaped by horror A look at the influence on Eric’s art style Inspired by Bernie Whrightson and Jack Davis

[25:32 - 29:23] Closing Segment

How to connect with the Eric and Harold Links below Final words 

Resources Mentioned:

Albatross Funnybooks Maniac

Follow Eric Powell on Twitter. Go visit for more creative works fit for kids!

You can find Harold Schechter’s projects on

Check out the video version of this episode.

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Host: Al Mega: @TheRealAlMega / @ComicCrusaders

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