Our first wave of issues from SDCC 2023 enter the Morphin Grid!!! Boom! Studios was kind enough to send over an email with a list of creators available for interviews at SDCC so of course I, Lance, jumped at the chance to talk Power Rangers with Melissa Flores and Meghan Camarena. Melissa and Meghan are the co-writers for Power Rangers Unlimited: Hyperforce #1 which continues the legacy of the Hyperforce RPG series. Seriously, if you're a Power Ranger fan, you NEED to watch this series. Melissa and Meghan are an absolute delight. Support their work with Boom! Studios as well as their work over at Image Comics within the Massive-Verse with Radiant Pink. Enjoy the ambient background noise that is San Diego Comic Con!

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Chris @dungeonheads
Lance @roguesymbiote

Chris's draws free D&D art which you can find and support him on Patreon, and see more of his art on Instagram

Original Theme by Weston Gardner @ArcaneAnthems on Patreon

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