Tom Scioli has spent his entire career cracking the Kirby code, and his latest book is his masterpiece. "Jack Kirby: The Epic Life of the King of Comics" is the single most magnificent celebration of the artist who revolutionized an industry and forever altered our pop culture landscape. We're beyond thrilled to have Scioli on the show this week, discussing in great enthusiastic detail the challenges and wonders of adapting a life as immense as Jack Kirby.

Of course, we dig into the complicated relationship between Kirby and Stan Lee, but we also marvel at his romance with Roz Kirby and the many other necessary courtships made along the way. For Scioli, tackling such an icon and an idol was a glorious burden and pleasure, marking a massive turning point in his career.

Where does Scioli go from here? He's not sure, but he does offer us some tantalizing morsels that we would love to see transformed into graphic reality. Tom Scioli's Star Wars? Um, yes, please.

"Jack Kirby: The Epic Life of the King of Comics" is currently available for pre-order HERE or wherever fine books are sold. Be sure to follow Scioli on Instagram and Twitter, and you can find us at our usual social media haunts: @CBCCPodcast, @MouthDork & @sidewalksiren.

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