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Episode #318

Nate Jackson, Deputy Editor of LA Times, talks with Valerie Lopez about: The LA Times' coverage of the Austin comedy scene The integration of standup and social media Netflix is a Joke festival happening in Los Angeles His upcoming book "Tearing Down the Orange Curtain"

Recorded March 2024 in downtown Austin

Follow Nate Jackson, Deputy Entertainment Editor, LA Times

Website - Instagram - @naterodamus

Nate can be read:

Visiting Austin from time to time covering our comedy scene How LA helped detonate the explosion of the Austin comedy scene ‘The third coast of comedy’: Austin’s comedy scene tells us why they’re blowing up Can’t Even Comedy tour creates a punchline path from L.A. to Austin through small-town Texas Maybe some people don’t know who Ralph Barbosa is, but the comedy world is about to learn LA Times full article archives - Follow @ComedyWham on InstagramFacebookYoutubeTwitch, and Tiktok   If you'd like to support our independent podcast, check out our Patreon page at:  .    You can also support us on Venmo or Paypal - just search for ComedyWham.