Covid 19 has spawned some wonderful free time, this podcast is a result of self-quarantine, we at Tiger Crisis vehemently implore you to do the same, #stayhome #staysafe #flattenthecurve

Tiger Crisis begins by following the tribulations of Netflix's Documentary Series: Tiger King. We do a deep dive on the Episodes.

Some conservationists estimate that there are about 10,000 tigers in captivity all over the world. Besides being extremely dangerous as they are wild animals, it doesn't take long before they are full grown animals that need a lot of care and resources to survive.

Across the United States there are power hungry Big Cat owners, that own and operate their own backyard Zoos. We aim to discuss our knowledge of the subject, as we become more and more informed.

This is highly speculative podcast, hosted by a stand up comedian. Please fact check and operate responsibly with the information that comes from this cast.

Tiger King: Murder, Mayhem and Madness