Recorded at Reg's Place, June 14th, 2012 with comedian Dee Williams!

We introduce our good friend, Dee Williams, and talk about how he got Larry and Regan Comedic Duo their first big gig and his part in our Family Matter: As Days Go By trailer.
YEAH, IMMA LOOK INTO DAT! Jess is excited about Disney's new video game themed animated flick, Wreck-It Ralph! Then we talk hard game bosses that pissed us off.
In Dad's Corner(ed), Larry asks what's the dumb shit we were allowed to do as kids but wouldn't let kids do today. Like play with fireworks. Like illegal fireworks.
Give me health insurance...or give me broccoli! Regan talks some boring shit in "Hey, That's Not Funny."

Hit us up on the Twitter and Facebook and check the links, son!

Our action packed fake trailer, Family Matters: As Days Go By

The Wreck-It Ralph trailer. "I'm gonna wreck it!"

A New York Times piece on the "Broccoli Argument".