New Romantic Cinema! Realization of Growing Up! Odd Attraction Rituals! A sweet and sour lovey dovey edition of Public Axis with guests Ashley Quinn and Jay LaFarr!

Recorded at the Public Axis F-Stop on February 12th, 2014.

00:00 We're pleased as punch to welcome the Programs Manager of Main Plaza Conservancy, the lovely Ashley Quinn, and the “Voice of San Antonio Comedy”, the abrasive Jay LaFarr. It's two flavors that will collide with adorable and unforgettable cringe-worthy moments. Brace yourselves!

19:13 Yeah, Alright Den! Jess brings up the fact that not one, not two, but THREE '80s movie remakes hitthe big screen this week, with two of laced with romance: Robocop, Endless Love and About Last Night. We take the opportunity to pitch some fresh, new and original ideas. Topic #1: Create a new romantic comedy or drama movie. Cast the leads and give us some juicy plot details.

44:33 Dad's Corner(ed)! Another Big Time Rush concert for Larry's daughter! But with this being the third time seeing the band live, Dad makes the discovery that she may be growing out of the boy band named after a hockey reference. Topic #2: What was the definitive moment you realized you were no longer a child?

1:17:29 Hey, That's Not Funny! Regan stumbles upon a study in which little girl monkeys toss stones at the boys when they're ready to mate. Hmmm. Topic #3: What is the weirdest/stupidest/craziest thing you have over done to attract someone you were interested in?

1:52:48 Another fantastic podcast ends with another fantastic session of What We Learned Today. Enlighten yourself!

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