Choose the Form of the Destructor! First Time in Theater Horror Flicks! 99 Ways to Die! Hot off the Night of the Living Dead Live, Bryan Ortiz and Robert Jerdee join this Halloween themed Public Axis!

Recorded at the Public Axis F-Stop on October 23th, 2013.

00:00  We're pleased as punch to welcome Bryan and Robert to the F-Stop! They've been busy as all hell making the Night of the Living Dead Live at the Overtime theater a raging success! San Antonio, don't miss it this Halloween weekend!

12:44 Yeah, Imma Look Into Dat!  Jess goes throwback and gushes over John Carpenter's under-appreciated Prince of Darkness, a movie where the Anti-Christ comes in the form as vile of green goop. Topic #1: Pure Evil is reincarnating and is set to destroy us all! CHOOSE THE FORM OF THE DESTRUCTOR!

43:15 Dad's Corner(ed)! Halloween approaches the Garza household and Larry points out how his daughter is all about the scares while his son gets the creeps. Topic #2: What was the first scary movie you saw in the theaters? How old were you and did it scare you?

1:22:33 Hey, That's Not Funny! Regan discovers yet another fascinating article about male marsupial mice that die after endurance mating. *Dave Mustaine voice* 99 WAYS TO DIIIIIIIE! Topic #3: How would you choose to die?

1:45:15 Another fantastic podcast ends with another fantastic session of What We Learned Today. Enlighten yourself!

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