Recorded at Reg's Place, May 24th, 2012 with guest and fellow CAGG member Paula Ybarra!

Miss Paula Ybarra hits us up with a hip-hop infused poem and inspires us to speak in cholo cliches for majority of the podcast.
Jess tries to explain the game Asura's Wrath to the crew. They have a hard time wrapping their mind around fighting a giant finger.
When will Jesus ever get a cool video game? We dig deep to find the answer!
Larry and Paula ask "Why is freesytle music so thugs?"
Larry's Dad's Corner(ed) treads over the trend of kids recording fights with cellphones then we ask "When is it okay to punch a kid?"

A fucking hoot, as always! Here are your supplements, bitches!

Jess' review of Asura's Wrath:

Stevie B's classic freestyle hit, Spring Love:

A freestyle jam from Cynthia:

Where's Cynthia now?

The mentioned "Victim Fights Bully Back" video: