Motivational Growth! Killing with Kindness! Soul Crushing Rejection! Real Life Problems and Their Solutions with super-pal Richard Morgan on the latest Public Axis!

Recorded at the Public Axis F-Stop on October 10th, 2013.

00:00 We're pleased as punch to welcome our old friend, Richard, who is from Bradford of West Yorkshire in Northern England. Easily one of the most fascinating friends we know. Maybe it's just the accent. No, really, sit back and prepare to be educated.

6:29 Yeah, Imma Look Into Dat! Fresh from our adventures at the South Texas Underground Film Festival with Blood Cousins, the guys are super excited to share another gem of a film, Motivational Growth. In a nutshell, a recluse receives sage advice from a disgusting chunk of mold growing in his bathroom after a botched suicide attempt. An absolutely brilliant and nutty movie you should definitely look into! The Mold knows, Jack.  The Mold knows.  So...Topic #1: Who or what has been most unlikely for you to have ever taken advice from?

39:36 Dad's Corner(ed)! Larry's daughter had a run-in with a fellow student who maliciously altered her school work. How did she deal with it? She took the high road, making Papa Larry proud. Topic #2: What is the nicest thing you've ever done to someone who was mean to you?

1:08:16 Hey, That's Not Funny! Regan brings the pain with a soul crushing topic: rejection after affection. He brings up some article that suggests self-affirmation to ease the pain...but get real. Your heart will be crushed. Topic #3: Tell us about the worst rejection you've ever experienced from someone you liked.

1:44:37 Another fantastic podcast ends with another fantastic session of What We Learned Today. Enlighten yourself!

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