Masterpiece Creations! Fantasy Surrogate Celebrity Parent Draft! Bizarro World Adult Entertainment Scenario! Public Axis goes weird and raw with guest Bryan Powell! (Assembly instructions included.)

Recorded at the Public Axis F-Stop on July 16th, 2013.

00:00 We welcome the well-rounded and talented Bryan Powell to the F-Stop, rolodex through some band names and get the ball rolling!

11:53 Yeah, Imma Look Into Dat! Thanks to the Wii U title, Lego City Undercover, Jess' mind is that of a Lego Maniac, thus inspiring his topic. Topic #1: What is the greatest thing you've ever built?

45:01 Dad's Corner(ed)! Larry ponders on the possibilities of having a famous person as a parent. Topic #2: What celebrity or fictional character do you wish was your parent and why?

1:00:59 Hey, That's Not Funny! Regan brings up a psychologist's interview with porn star turned author/documentarian. Then comes the age old question. Topic#3: Would you ever do porn if you knew no one would ever find out?

1:27:56 Another fantastic podcast ends with another fantastic session of What We Learned Today. Enlighten yourself!

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