Recorded at the Public Axis F-Stop on March 07th, 2013 with J.T. Street.

00:00 We've got “Street's Corner” J.T. Street with us to ring in our first full year of Public Axis! All famous!

14:12Yeah, Imma Gonna Look Into Dat! Demon rabies zombies bust up a wedding in the movie [REC] 3: Genesis. Jess reveals all as well as asks, “When’s the worst time for a monster outbreak to happen?”

36:44 Dad's Corner(ed)! Uh, oh! Larry's daughter gets into a little trouble, thus inspiring the question, “What’s the most trouble you got in as a kid and why?”

1:02:29 Hey, That's Not Funny! Scientists are putting eyes on tadpoles' tails..and they actually work! Regan is fascinated by the potential. “If you had to transplant one part of your body to another location on your body, what would you chose to transplant and where?”

1:27:27 A fantastic podcast ends with another fantastic session of What We Learned Today. Enlighten yourself!

Guys and gals, thank you so much for making the first year of Public Axis worthwhile! We heavily enjoy putting it together and hope you enjoy listening and sharing. Keep spreading the word - rate and share on iTunes! Let your friends know about Public Axis and keep those Facebook and Twitter comments coming!