Recorded at the Public Axis F-Stop on February 21st, 2013 with comedic legend Gallagher comedian and entertainer Jade Esteban Estrada.

00:00 We are beyond pleased as punch to have a fantastic pairing of talent, a smashing blend of feathered boas and annihilated fruit. We go great lengths to get to know our guests and ultimately discover that Gallagher hates the pervasiveness of the French in the English language.

50:03 Yeah, Imma Gonna Look Into Dat! Jess tells the guys about the PlayStation 4 announcement and the upcoming title, Watch Dogs. Then he asks, “Did you ever think the Digital Age was going to be awesome as it is now? Or do you think we're TOO connected and spoiled by today's top gadgets?”

1:07:11 Dad's Corner(ed)! With his daughter visiting the doctor lately, Larry notices she may be developing a fear of doctors. So this begs the question, “What were you most afraid of growing up?”

1:27:52 Hey, That's Not Funny! Regan found a fascinating article about monkeys inheriting social skills from family. "What is the most obvious, beneficial or embarrassing social skill you learned from your family? " (Gallagher's grandson oddly enough loves to eat watermelon.

1:40:09 A fantastic podcast ends with another fantastic session of What We Learned Today. Enlighten yourself!

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