Recorded at the Public Axis F-Stop on December 13th, 2012 with comedian guests Tom Simmons and Jay Whitecotton.

00:00 We welcome Tom and Jay to the F-Stop and get right to the chase!

17:04 Yeah, Imma Look Into Dat! Jess is very much stoked the film Pacific Rim featuring giant kaiju monsters fighting giant robots called "Jaegers". So we put our brains to work to build metal beasts named after booze and give them power moves.

39:40 Dad's Corner(ed): More Christmas themed cheer! This time, Larry asks about the gift you always wanted but never got and also the worst gift you ever got. Heartbreak ensues.

1:03:14 Hey, That's Not Funny! Regan goes bug crazy once more over strange fungus and parasites that have brain controlling properties. We press on to discover what would we do with one specific task oriented brain control function. 

1:18:39 Another fantastic podcast ends with another fantastic session of What We Learned Today. Enlighten yourself.

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