Recorded at the Public Axis F-Stop on October 11th, 2012 with special guest comedian Jay Whitecotton and actor Brant Bumpers.

00:00  Aryan Nation? No way, we just got our bearded friends, Whitecotton and Brant, in the house! Brant chats up the upcoming San Antonio film Sanitarium and Jay talks up his live DVD recording...that will have already happened by the time you listen to this.

10:29  Yeah, Imma Look Into Dat! In New Little King's Story, a magical crown gives a king unlimted charm powers that allows him to rule his subjects without question. Jess uses this ridiculous premise to set up the question, 'If you were a king/queen, would you rule with a soft hand or an iron fist'?

26:04  Dad's Corner(ed) is back and Larry talks about his kids' attempts to crack him up. So we ask what dumb things did you do as a kid to make your parents laugh? Heartbreaks and mouth harps ensue.

47:24 Hey, That's Not Funny! With the vast technological advancements in the medical field, Regan asks what ordinary everyday electronics that we use for fun will be used to keep us healthy?

1:05: Another fantastic podcast ends with another fantastic session of What We Learned Today.

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