Recorded at the Public Axis F-Stop on September, 20th, 2012 with special guest, Paul Hernandez.

00:00  This week's guest is not a comedian, actor or anything in particular - just a great friend who speaks bluntly and love him some BBWs, a passion we press simple questions on.

15:29  Yeah, Imma Look Into Dat! Resident Evil 6 is almost here and Jess asks which global corporation will surely doom us all?

30:21  Dad's Corner(ed).  Larry asks what is more important to keep your children away from in modern media: sex or violence?

47:58  Hey, That's Not Funny! Good ol' Mittens Romney speaks frankly about the 47% of Americans he could care less for and it gets caught on tape. Reg asks what horrible things do you have on tape that would shame you in public?

1:02:58 Back to the subject of fluffy people, we ask the ladies of Facebook which do they prefer; athletic built guys or dudes with some meat on their bones. Then, Paul gives us some more insight on the life of a chubby chaser.

1:14:10 We wrap it up with What We Learned Today!

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