Recorded at the Public Axis F-Stop on August 16th, 2012 with special guest, CAGG member and comedian Brian Gutierrez.

00:00 Our good friend and fellow CAGG member, Brian, joins us at the F-Stop. He fits in with us. He's fat and loves snacks, you see.

10:52 Looking forward to The Last of Us (a feature PS3 exclusive), Jess pitches the question, "Who'd be the ideal survival companion?" in this week's Yeah, Imma Look Into Dat!

28:10 Dad's Corner(ed) returns! In this installment, Larry asks what he has to do to prevent his daughter from growing up to be a bitch. Riviting.

47:39 Regan celebrates the Curiosty Rover landing (A.K.A. Butt Rover) in Hey, That's Not Funny!

1:03:04 We tackle your topics, then wrap it up with What We Learned Today!

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