Recently I was contacted by app developer Jacob Noble, to take a look over his new MathHammer app. He was kind enough to give me a free version of the app to review and being more than a little bit of a mathhammer nerd I was more than happy to oblige.  So, does this app deliver? Let's take a look.

First, off some of you might be wondering, what exactly does the term "Mathhammer" mean anyway? In the world of Warhammer 40k, the term mathhammer is used as a means of understanding how efficient a unit's weapons/attacks are at wounding or killing opposing units.  It's basically a breakdown of the "odds" of damage output on an average dice roll. 

Figuring out all the numbers on your own or within a spreadsheet can be cumbersome, to say the least. Especially if you're not exactly mathematically inclined (like me for example.)  That's where the MathHammer App comes in to do the heavy lifting for you. 

You can download the MathHammer App on the Google Play store and it will soon be available on the App Store for iPhone users.


The MathHammer app has a lot of cool features.  The user interface is very user friendly and intuitive.  The app has variables for just about everything you can think of. Want to know how efficient a unit of 10 Intercessors is shooting at a squad of Plaguebearers? The app can figure in the invulnerable save, and Disgustingly Resilient rules to give you an average number of models killed.

One of my favorite features of the app is the ability to save "Profiles" for units so you can easily load them up. This is such an awesome feature and really saves a lot of time. You can set up profiles for your attacking units as well as enemy units as well. It even includes a field to input the unit's points to see the unit's efficiency vs that target!  The app also includes a handy FAQ which I advise anyone planning on using the app to read and look over.

Let's take a look at how efficient a Repulsor Executioner Laser Destroyer, buffed by the Forge Father, and a Lieutenant is at hurting an Imperial Knight with a 4++ Invulnerable save.

We've loaded up the Repulsor Executioner Laser Destroyer weapon here and factored in the BS of 2+ from the Forge Father, firing twice, re-rolling 1s to hit, and re-rolling 1s to wound. To make it even better, we've also included the exploding 6s stratagem available to Iron Hands.  All of these can be adjusted  in the Settings for the unit. We've also set up the Defender's profile as an Imperial Knight Crusader with the Rotate Ion Shield stratagem for a 4++ invulnerable.

As you can see the expected damage output to a knight with a 4++ using the Repulsor Laser Destroyer is around 9.5 wounds. Not too shabby.

And that in a nutshell is what MathHammer will be able to do for you. You know, that you can expect a fully buffed out Repulsor Executioner shooting twice to put around 9-10 damage onto an Imperial Knight with a 4++.


Honestly, there aren't many. Presuming the built in math is correct (and I have no reason to believe it isn't), the app doesn't have a lot of drawbacks. There are some settings that need to be updated, such as the full re-roll for Chapter Master's and Guilliman which have been changed since the launch of the Space Marines codex. As of now, the app will allow you to re-roll hit rolls in the settings, but this is factoring in modifiers applied after re-rolls. As we know now, with the new Space Marines Rites of Battle for Chapter Masters, they ignore the requirement to apply the modifiers after the re-rolls. That being said, Mr. Noble has assured me he will be working to add this feature in the future.

Is it worth it:

The app is only $3.50 in the Google Play store, which isn't a bad price considering what the app can do for you. I for one, love mathhammering out units for efficiency so I find the price to be a great value. If Mathhammer isn't exactly your thing, then maybe you won't find it worth your money. I have used the app a lot since I have downloaded it and find it to be a great little tool and a good value for the money.