Hello friends!

In our 79th episode, the bois discuss the first Night City Wire livestream and maaaaaaan does Cyberpunk look good! They also get into why Mixer shutting down and being absorbed by Facebook gaming may or may not matter and what some of it's former stars could get up to in their newly found free time. 

Of course, they'd be remiss if they didn't talk about The Last of Us: Part II. THERE WILL BE *SPOILERS* FOR THE LAST OF US: PART II IN THE SECOND HALF OF THE EPISODE. But everyone will be good to go for the first 45 minutes! There will be audio instructions from Adam on when to skip to in order to remain spoiler free; however, if for some reason you're reading this and not listening then (which just raises more questions, honestly) after the small break, you can skip to 1:21:35 and you'll be good to go!

If you'd like to see our back catalog on our website, head on over to www.comegetyourpodcast.com. We also stream five nights a week over at www.twitch.tv/comegetyourpodcast. Come say, "Hey!"

Lastly, thank you to Eric Skiff for our intro and outro tracks. If you like the sound, go to www.ericskiff.com and you can listen to everything he's created!