Thoughts inspired from the study of
Come, Follow Me: November 16-22
Book of Mormon: Ether 6-11

When the people of the brother of Jared crossed the waters they praised God all the days.

They were really good at praising.

Even when they were underwater.


Even when they needed air.


Even when they had animals sleeping next to them.


Even when they were on water for more than 300 days. 


Even we they could have been sick, hungry, tired, bored or frustrated. 


They praised God in prayer and singing. Recognizing their many blessings. 


How did they keep that up!? Really! I mean, I have barely made it 200 days during coronavirus and I can tell you I haven't praised all those days... 


I've had my own bed, haven't been underwater and I can eat any time I want. 


How did they do it!?


We talk all about it in this week's episode.. We have some great ideas that we all can implement today! We think you're going to love this episode!