Creative Career Changes Conquer the White Whale with James Kahn Please welcome to the podcast James Kahn, author of the novelizations for The Goonies, Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom, Poltergeist, and Return of the Jedi, writer/producer for television series Star Trek: Voyager and Melrose Place, as well as his new crowdfunded independent film project, Wrongside Bob. James discusses with us in his words what it takes to conquer the white whale and reinvent yourself with creative career changes shifting between emergency room medicine and creative writing. 80s film, 80s movies, crowdfunding independent film, crowdfunding movies, indie film, James Kahn, James Kahn interview, James Kahn podcast, Melrose Place, movie novelizations, novelizations, Poltergeist, producer, Return of the Jedi, Return of the Jedi novel, Star Trek Voyager, Temple of Doom novelization, The Goonies novelization, writer, Wrongside Bob
