Journey into Psychedelic Healing with Dr. Neal Goldsmith Dr. Neal Goldsmith is a psychotherapist and author specializing in psychospiritual development. Neal Goldsmith is a popular speaker on drug policy reform and spiritual maturation, and has founded and hosted innovative workshops, salons, and conferences on psychedelic therapy, integral philosophy, governance, media, postmodern science, healing, innovation and change, and the post-modern future of society. He has curated dozens of successful conferences and cross-disciplinary “meetings of minds” for corporations as well as the psychedelic community, including the Horizons and MAPS Psychedelic Science conferences. His book, Psychedelic Healing: The Promise of Entheogens for Psychotherapy and Spiritual Development, describes the influence of psychedelics on the development of his personality theory and clinical practice. Neal speaks with us at length on psychedelic therapy, government policy, the shift of normative thinking, and the path of human civilization. May this be the start of a mind-awakening experience. For this interview, we are joined by previous guest Evan Fowler as co-host.