Tales of the Abyss is a bold game, particularly for a series as risk-averse as Tales. This game takes big chances from the jump, from its initially-unlikeable protagonist to its constant efforts to undermine the story tropes you expect in such a game. Robert joins us to discuss this PS2/3DS JRPG classic that doesn't get the credit it deserves, a game with a thrilling narrative that often subverts the genre's tropes.

Tales of the Abyss is a bold game, particularly for a series as risk-averse as Tales. This game takes big chances from the jump, from its initially-unlikeable protagonist to its constant efforts to undermine the story tropes you expect in such a game. Robert joins us to discuss this PS2/3DS JRPG classic that doesn't get the credit it deserves, a game with a thrilling narrative that often subverts the genre's tropes.

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