With special guest Fletch in tow, we delve into one of the strangest, fascinating, and underrated Final Fantasy entires: Lightning Returns. Fletch and Paul sign the praises of a game that is over the top in all of the best ways, introduces innovative mechanics, and features best emotionless girl Lightning as the harbinger of the apocalypse for a delightfully ridiculous world. Unfairly maligned at its release, the game has become a cult classic in recent years, and for good reason. Join us as we discuss death cults, chicken seers, Louis Vuitton cross-promotions, and the brilliance of a battle system built on costume changes.
Show notes
Final Fantasy XIII - 16-Bit Retrospective (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eX_WzVnraMQ)
Kotaku: Louis Vuitton Interview With Final Fantasy's Lightning Should Be Canon (https://kotaku.com/louis-vuitton-interview-with-final-fantasys-lightning-s-1752749481)
Lightning Strikes Thrice (https://www.lightningstrikesthrice.com/)
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With special guest Fletch in tow, we delve into one of the strangest, fascinating, and underrated Final Fantasy entires: Lightning Returns. Fletch and Paul sign the praises of a game that is over the top in all of the best ways, introduces innovative mechanics, and features best emotionless girl Lightning as the harbinger of the apocalypse for a delightfully ridiculous world. Unfairly maligned at its release, the game has become a cult classic in recent years, and for good reason. Join us as we discuss death cults, chicken seers, Louis Vuitton cross-promotions, and the brilliance of a battle system built on costume changes.

Show notes

Final Fantasy XIII - 16-Bit Retrospective
Kotaku: Louis Vuitton Interview With Final Fantasy's Lightning Should Be Canon
Lightning Strikes Thrice

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Any amount helps! Please head over to Mirror Image Studios on Patreon and pledge what you can!

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