With little to none Digimon knowledge, Paul wades into the Digital Monster world with Digimon Story Cyber Sleuth. What he finds is a great JRPG, despite his ignorance, on this beta episode of Combo Chain.
Going Digital - A Digimon Podcast (https://goingdigital.simplecast.com/)
Theme song is "Chiptronical" by Patrick de Arteagna (https://patrickdearteaga.com/chiptune-8-bit-retro/).
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With little to none Digimon knowledge, Paul wades into the Digital Monster world with Digimon Story Cyber Sleuth. What he finds is a great JRPG, despite his ignorance, on this beta episode of Combo Chain.

Going Digital - A Digimon Podcast

Theme song is "Chiptronical" by Patrick de Arteagna.

Help support Combo Chain!

Support Combo Chain - A JRPG Podcast