Disney Imagineer/Legend BOB GURR (who designed parts of The Matterhorn, Autopia, Submarine Ride, Haunted
Mansion and...the T-Rex in Jurassic Park! He's also in the new Brad Bird film TOMORROWLAND opening later this
year...!) YURI LOWENTHAL (Ben 10, Young Justice, Regular Show etc...) TARA PLATT (Shelf Life, Scandal,
Skylanders) MARK RYAN (Black Sails...He was also Bumble Bee in Transformers 1 thru 4!) DIETER JANSEN (who is
on some secret 'DreamWorks' project he can't talk about!) DJ CHANDLER COATS, NOLAN MOON and DAVID ZUCKERMAN
(Afterworld) are also in studio....

*PREPARE TO REPEL BOARDERS.....with some of Combat Radio's best celebrity regulars -along with some of the
cast of BLACK SAILS and a few surprises at the MARKED MEN V PARTY (hosted by Brandon Hillock of Veronica
So... get your 'life insurance' in order, clear the date and... GET YOUR TICKETS HERE:

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