XANDER BERKELEY (Salem, 24, Sid And Nancy, Air Force One) STEVE BARTEK (Oingo Boingo....he worked with Danny
Elfman on Batman, Sleepy Hollow, The Nightmare Before Christmas) JOHNNY VATOS (Oingo Boingo) PAUL JACOBSON
(Pirates Of The Caribbean 2, The Notebook) ADRIAN PAUL (Highlander) DJ CHANDLER COATES, DIVINITY ROXX (who
the Music Director/Bass Player for Beyoncé) and just off the road with Chaka Kahn, singer KUDISAN KAI (who
also worked with Elton John, Anita Baker) and Producer LOTA HADLEY in studio and BAAAAAMMMM! We premiered the
first track off the 'Combat Radio Christmas Album' You can get the album and support Combat Radio's 'Annual
Christmas Event For Homeless Children' here: gofundme.com/ACombatRadioChristmas

*Combat Radio's 31 Days of Halloween starts next week L-I-V-E from the 'Psycho' set at Universal Studios