Producer/Director HARRISON ELLENSHAW (who worked on everything from Marry Poppins, to Star Wars to Tron)
Director STAN ZIMMERMAN (who produced Gilmore Girls, Roseanne, Rita Rocks etc....) Composer JIM VENABLE
(Clerks, Scary Movie, Samurai Jack etc..) Disney Imagineer TERRI HARDIN JACKSON (who worked on Thunder
Mountain, Lilo/Stitch, Captain EO....she also worked on Ghostbusters and Dune) TERESA GANZEL (Wall-E, Up,
Monsters Inc.) SUSANNAH BLINKOFF (check her new play 'Daughter Of' at the Hollywood Fringe) ABDUL AHMAD (Of
Disney) ARVIN TABULA (Of Disney) JORDON LEECH (Of Warner Bros.) NOLAN MOON and DJ/Combat Radio Music Director
CHANDLER COATES in studio....