Previous Episode: February 18, 2010
Next Episode: March 4, 2010

Dueling! Nigh Drop! 2001! Jack Nicholson! Dunce caps! Big Wheels rule! Hardy Kruger! And The IRA has a
brilliant marketing department!

STANLEY KUBRICK'S long time production ace, LEON VITALI (who was also a producer on the Academy Award
nominated LITTLE CHILDREN) talks FULL METAL JACKET, casting the little boy in THE SHINING and playing eight
different parts in EYES WIDE SHUT. He also talks about an IRA attack on the st of Barry Lyndon, Warner Bros.
and dueling! Fascinating conversation! Producer LOTA HADLEY checks in with the latest from her new production
and charity efforts and one of Director Walter Hill's favorite bad guys, DAVID ANTHONY MARSHALL is released
from double secret probation and allowed to join the show! Ethan kicks Toshiba under the bus - where they
belong - and unveils early plans for the upcoming COMBAT RADIO NIGHT!