Warner Bros. Exec. turned producer BILL DALY (Gravity, Harry Potter, Batman) BRANDON HILLOCK (Of Veronica
Mars....he was also Jack Sparrow at the 'Combat Radio Christmas Event For Homeless Children!') APRIL STEWART
(South Park, Wreck It Ralph, Mission Impossible: Ghost Protocol) QUINTON FLYNN (Robot Chicken, Spiderman,
Metal Gear Solid etc...) ERIN FITZGERALD (Monster High, Ed, Edd And Eddy) DIETER JANSEN (Of Oerdrift, Triade,
Da Raad etc...) Producer/Animator VON KREEP (Producer/Creator of Monsterville) HAMILCAR CROSBY (Of Kung Fu
Movie Maddness) Director DAVID ZUCKERMAN (Afterworld) Producer NOLAN MOON and AGENT Q in studio!

*'PREPARE TO REPEL BOARDERS.......!' Combat Radio will be making a special 'LIVE' broadcast appearance from
the 'MARKED MEN PARTY' on the decks of the H.M.S. Surprise (used in 'The Pirates Of The Caribbean' and
And Commander') during San Diego Comic Con! Friday night 7.25.14....! Details on how 'YOU' can be a part of
the action here: latalkradio.com/Combat.php (Not to be confused with our appearance at San Diego State the
following night.....)

**And catch us at TULARE SCI-FI CON -benefiting the Children's Library- March 28th!