The Colour of Innovation is a podcast brought to you by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP).

In this show we cover stories of innovation from across the Arab States. In each episode we examine some of the most pressing development challenges in the region, through stories from people on the ground, social innovators, experts and our colleagues exploring new solutions.

In this episode we take a look at how the civil society landscape in Tunisia has transformed since the 2011 Revolution and how participatory democracy is taking root on both the local and national levels as part of the transitional process and democratization of the country.

We begin with voices of the Tunisian youth who are increasingly taking a larger role in their communities and demanding for new avenues of participation for their fellow citizens.

We then speak with Kouraich Jauahdou, founder of Associative Action, about introducing participatory mechanisms to increase citizen participation in municipalities across the country.

Finally, Eduardo Lopez-Mancizidor from UNDP Tunisia talks about how UNDP has been supporting civil society to strengthen its foothold within the political landscape and their recent work to consolidate the new democracy.

For more information follow the links below:

Associative Action:

UNDP Tunisia:

UNDP Arab States:

UNDP Accelerator Labs:

UNDP Innovation in the Arab States:



Host: Ben Thompson Coon

Producers: Jennifer Colville and Ben Thompson Coon

Sound Engineer: Benjamin Lehti

Guests: Kouraich Jauahdou, Eduardo Lopez-Mancisidor

Tunisia Correspondent: Youssef Habboul