I first heard Michelle Kinder speak at the Changing the Odds Conference hosted by Momentous Institiute,  the non-profit for which she was the Executive Director at the time.  She was so inspiring and engaging ,  I began to follow everything she posted.  Michelle is a nationally recognized expert in the field of Social Emotional health. She is a speaker, leader, executive coach, and a writer. As a fellow of the Op-ed project, she has articles published in several national publications such as the Washington Post and TIME Magazine. She is also a poet, and she has co-authored a book with Rex Miller, Bill Latham, and Kevin Baird entitled Whole – What Teachers Need to Help Students Thrive.  Michelle is an eternal student. She is a curious and passionate lover of life who navigates through the world with mindfulness, and intention seeking balance in the hopes of creating a more equitable and just future for all. Truly she is one of those people that makes the world better simply by being here! I am so grateful she took the time to chat with some of my 4th graders!  To learn more about Michelle, you can find her website HERE.