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Episode 35: Bill Morris – Blue Star Recyclers

Bill co-founded Blue Star Recyclers in 2009 after discovering people with Autism and other disabilities possess innate skills for tasks involved in the recycling and refurbishing of electronics.

Blue Star Recyclers is a nonprofit social enterprise with a mission of ethically recycling electronics to create real jobs for people with autism and other disAbilities. The fulfillment of their mission to date has resulted in the recycling of 18 million pounds of electronics, creating 45 jobs and reducing taxpayer burden by over $2 million.

Bill is a recipient of the Colorado Recycler of the Year, Colorado Springs Small Business Person of the Year, ARC Employer of the Year, and Citizen Diplomat of the Year. Most recently Blue Star Recyclers was awarded the 2018 Colorado Top Company of the Year, 2017 Social Impact Business of the Year, and 2016 Social Venture of the Year.

Links to things we talk about:

Bill Morris on LinkedIn Blue Star Recyclers site Blue Star Recyclers video

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