In this episode, hear from ViVent Bioprocesses Co-Founders Troy Temple and Griffin Smith, who share their valuable experience of building their start-up with the support of Avatar Innovations. Whether you’re a budding entrepreneur or a seasoned business owner, their insights and advice will resonate with you. They discuss everything from understanding your intention in building a business or product to the need to have multiple horses in the race.

This enlightening conversation provides valuable guidance on navigating the start-up journey, including building a cohesive team and fostering a positive company culture. You’ll also gain insights into iterating your solutions and how joining an accelerator or incubator can provide invaluable perspectives and support. This episode will leave you feeling inspired and better equipped to take on the exciting challenges of the start-up world.

Entrepreneurship isn’t for the faint of heart; as Troy and Griffin explain, it’s a constant flux between disillusion and illusion, excitement and fear. Even though it is difficult, it is incredibly rewarding to set your own course and inspire others to come along on the journey. Troy and Griffin walk you through their experience with the Avatar Innovations Program and demonstrate how they went from multiple ideas around reducing methane emissions to one solution using microorganisms to solve the problem. Not only will you have a deeper understanding and appreciation of sustainability goals, you’ll also be inspired to explore the right partners who can help you achieve your business and growth goals.