In this episode, hear from Matthew Burgoyne, Partner at Osler, Hoskin & Harcourt LLP.  Learn all about the legalities of cryptocurrencies and how Matthew used marketing techniques to become a sought-after crypto expert with the nickname “Bitcoin Burgoyne.” Matthew first gained interest in the intersection of law and non-FIAT currencies during the Occupy Wall Street crisis of 2008, when trust plummeted in traditional systems. By 2013, Matthew knew he had to build his client base to make Partner and made the bold choice to focus on cryptocurrencies.

Matthew and the team at Osler help businesses of all sizes navigate all corporate-related matters, from regulatory advice to drafting securities. Matthew shares valuable advice for all Canadians on why you should become fluent in emerging technology and some tips for managing your cryptocurrencies. You will also learn how to spot and avoid scams, what Alberta is doing at the provincial level to create and enforce regulations to protect everyone, and how markets might function in the future based on Matthew's predictions.