Previous Episode: Ep 181: Naruto

If you give a mouse of a cookie, then he's going to need some milk!  That's a tried and true piece of conditional logic that you can not refute!  From this week's episode, we're also unable to refute the need to have a discussion about kitchen safety and sanitation.  We are, of course, talking about the holiday special - If You Give a Mouse a Christmas Cookie, which open with an considerable amount of "Circus Giggles" and "Mouse Parkour."  Buckle up because we're about to answer the main question from this episode - what if you lived in a world with zero consequences or understanding about money!   
Will Dave be able to light his electric kitchen range on fire again?  Will Sean be get into Mouse Voice Over work?  (answers: yes and squeek)  All of this and more on this week's episode of the Saturday Mourning Cartoons podcast. 
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