Previous Episode: Ep 162: ALF

"By your powers combined, WE ARE Saturday Mourning Cartoons." - Captain Planet, probably.  We have a huge episode this week.  It's so big and beef that we had to release all 100+ minutes of it at the same time.  Why?  Because Captain Planet is amazing and still part of our zeitgeist today.  Sean is joined by artist Melanie Harker and Dr. Shannon Mancus for this week's episode as we summon the great powers that Gaia has bestowed upon us.  Oh, and we have a drug episode this week too?  
Will Melanie be able overcome "mind pollution?"  Will Shannon be able to summon the powers of Heart?  Will Sean understand the Gaia hypothesis?  All of this and more on this week's episode of the Saturday Mourning Cartoons podcast!
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