June casual conversation means that every day is a "casual Friday" where we talk about cartoons around the SMC office.  This week we are getting into two similar yet very different cartoons; Dragon Ball Super and Samurai Jack.  One show really puts the emphasis on battle and doing with it takes to beat your opponent, and then other has a constantly grumpy Vegeta.     So, grab your favorite flip flops, tank top, and shorts, cuz we're getting extremely casual.  Wait. That was too casual.  Come on, really?  Please, there are other people around!  No?  I'm calling HR. 
Will Dave ever charge up his Ki to unleash a Turtle Destruction Wave?  Will Sean travel into the future only to have a leaf make him feel guilty? (answers yes and definitely)  All of this and more on this week's episode of the Saturday Mourning Cartoons podcast!
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