Next Episode: Ep 153: Black Panther

What if I told you that we could get every single X-man and X-woman into a cartoon show?  No lie.  What if we packed every single character into one show and then told you we were going to focus on your favorite character like Wolverine.  And then Wolverine ended up being such a secondary character that by the end he was completely unnecessary?  Yeah, you'd then have Wolverine and the X-men, which should have been called Emma Frost fights to get the Dark Phoenix power for 26 episodes.  It's a show that is not to be missed (actually you can 100% skip this cartoon).  Go back and jus watch the 90's cartoon.  100% shade right now.   
Will Dave finally get Wolverine claws?  Will Sean be able to get that time share on Genosha?  (answers yes and yes, but there's a really long presentation to sit through)  All of this and more on this week's episode of the Saturday Mourning Cartoons podcast.
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